Before implementing the construction of new investment projects, expanding investments, increasing capacity of production, business and service establishments depending on scale and industry, environmental records will be prepared as follows:
- Environmental impact assessment
Applicable to Projects belonging to Group I Investment Projects specified in Clause 3, Article 28 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and Group II Investment Projects specified in Clause 4, Article 28 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 issued on November 17, 2020, effective from January 1, 2022.
- Environmental permit
Applicable to projects subject to regulations in Article 39 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 issued on November 17, 2020, effective from January 1, 2022.
- Environmental registration
Applicable to projects specified in Clause 1, Article 49 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 issued on November 17, 2020, effective from January 1, 2022.
- Test operation of waste treatment works
Applicable to projects with waste treatment works, after being granted an environmental license, trial operation of the waste treatment work must be carried out concurrently with the trial operation of the entire project. investment or for each investment phase of the project (if any) or for independent waste treatment works of the project to evaluate the suitability and compliance with environmental technical regulations.
After going into official operation, production, business and service establishments must carry out environmental records such as:
- Periodic environmental monitoring
Carry out periodically according to commitments in the Environmental Profile (Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Protection Plan, Detailed Environmental Protection Project,...)
- Report on environmental protection work
Regulated in Circular 02/2022/TT – BTNMT. This report integrates the Enterprise's annual reports such as: Environmental monitoring report, automatic monitoring report, HW management report, HW management report, Waste management report Common industrial solids, Scrap management reports, Mineral exploitation reports.
- Application for underground water exploitation
Applicable to establishments operating in Vietnam with activities related to the exploitation of underground water > 10 m3/day and night according to Decree 201/2013/ND-CP Detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Water Resources.
- Application for surface water exploitation
According to Decree 201/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Water Resources, cases requiring registration and application for water exploitation licenses are as follows:
Exploitation of surface water for agricultural production and aquaculture with a scale of 0.1m3/sec or more
Exploiting surface water for business, service and non-agricultural production purposes is not less than 100m3/day and night;
Exploit and use surface water to generate electricity with an installed capacity of 50 kW or more;
- Contract for transportation and treatment of hazardous waste
For production, business and service establishments that generate hazardous waste, collectively referred to as the Hazardous Waste Source Owner, must sign a contract to transfer hazardous waste with an organization or individual with a License to practice Hazardous Waste Management. .
Implementing environmental records is an important part of production and business activities, but also an important task for businesses. To fulfill this responsibility, businesses need to carry out environmental records to ensure environmental factors in production and business activities.
Environmental records are a legal requirement that businesses must comply with, requiring businesses to build and maintain environmental records to ensure that business operations do not harm the environment.
Implementing environmental records shows that businesses are making positive commitments and actions to protect the environment, thereby creating trust and increasing reliability from customers and the community.
Environmental records are one of the important legal procedures that businesses need to carry out to ensure smooth and effective production and business activities.
Failure to carry out environmental records as prescribed by law can lead to administrative sanctions and even criminal prosecution.
Environmental licensing was first regulated in the Law on Environmental Protection No. 72/2020/QH14. An environmental license is a type of license issued by an environmental management agency to indiv...
Project owners, production and business service establishments are subject to having an environmental permit and environmental registration according to regulations (except for subjects exempt from en...
Groundwater exploitation license is an official document that organizations or individuals must have to extract water from underground water sources. With the purpose of protecting water resources and...
Environmental registration" is the process that an organization, business or individual must carry out to register and comply with environmental protection regulations that they may affect during thei...
Surface water exploitation license is a type of license issued by government agencies or water resources management agencies to allow individuals or organizations to exploit surface water from sources...
Currently, many businesses are in a situation where their projects are stalled, unable to operate production and go into operation even though they have fully met the conditions of capital, human reso...