Environmental registration is a new environmental documentation procedure updated in the 2020 environmental protection law, effective from January 1, 2022.
Environmental registration is the process by which investment project owners, production, business and service establishments register with state management agencies the contents related to waste discharge and environmental protection measures of the project. investment projects, production, business and service establishments.
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 49 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, subjects requiring environmental registration include:
a) Investment projects that generate waste are not subject to environmental permits;
b) Production, business, and service establishments operating before the effective date of the 2020 Environmental Protection Law generate waste that is not subject to an environmental permit.
Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 49 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and Article 32 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, subjects exempt from environmental registration include:
a) Investment projects and facilities that are state secrets regarding national defense and security;
b) Investment projects when put into operation and production, business and service facilities do not generate waste or only generate household solid waste of less than 300 kg/day and are managed according to government regulations local; or generating wastewater less than 05 m3/day, exhaust gas less than 50 m3/hour are treated with on-site treatment equipment or managed according to local government regulations.
c) List of investment projects and facilities exempt from environmental registration specified in Appendix XVI of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP
Pursuant to Clause 6, Article 49 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, the time of environmental registration is prescribed as follows:
a) Investment projects that are not subject to an environmental permit but are subject to an environmental impact assessment must undergo environmental registration before official operation;
b) Investment projects that are not subject to an environmental permit but are not subject to an environmental impact assessment must have environmental registration before the competent authority issues a construction permit to the school. In cases where a construction permit is required according to the provisions of construction law or before discharging waste into the environment, in cases where a construction permit is not required according to the provisions of construction law;
c) Operating production, business, and service establishments that are not subject to environmental permits must register for the environment within 24 months from the effective date of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020.
Contents of environmental registration include:
- General information about investment projects and facilities;
- Type of production, business and service; technology, capacity, products; raw materials, fuel, chemicals used (if any);
- Type and volume of waste generated;
- Plan for collection, management and treatment of waste according to regulations;
- Commitment to environmental protection work.
Environmental registration is a mandatory condition for all production, business and service enterprises that generate waste. However, the environmental permit registration procedure is often complicated and time-consuming.
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