Khóa học Chuyên viên đánh giá nội bộ ISO 9001:2015 được xây dựng dựa vào phiên bản ISO 9001:2015 là tư duy dựa trên rủi ro để giúp ngăn chặn những kết quả không mong muốn. Do đó, Chuyên viên đánh giá nội bộ được xem như là thước đo tìm sự phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn nhằm cải tiến chất lượng thật sự, nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh.
- For all people in all professions who want to become internal auditors;
- Employees who participate in the enterprise's internal quality management system or are subject to supplier evaluation.
- Have enough health;
- No conviction is.
- Image; CCCD;
- Study plan;
- Registration form according to the Institute's form.
- Learn deeply about ISO 9001:2015 and quality management system requirements;
- Types of standard assessment regulations in standard 9001:2015;
- The role and meaning of internal auditors;
- Internal Auditor in the quality management system;
- Professional, technical and ethical requirements of an internal auditor.
- Gain in-depth knowledge of the requirements of standard 9001;
- Develop confidence to apply this knowledge in the work process;
- Able to perform detailed gap analysis and project planning;
- Know what each clause requires to do your work more effectively.
Combination of online and offline (according to student needs).